Dashi Broth- Grandma’s

Dashi is a soup broth and base known for its umami flavor. It is used for a variety of dishes and commonly used for miso soup, soba or udon broths and simmered dishes. Dashi is typically made with either one or all of the following ingredients: dried shitake mushrooms, kombu (kelp), or katsuobushi (bonito flakes).

You can create deeper flavors using other dried fishes such as niboshi (sardines) and ago (flying fish). Traditionally in Japan each village or town uses their own special dashi made with local regional fish.

For vegetarians and vegans, you can simply skip the katsuobushi step.


Dried katsuobushi, kombu, and shitake mushrooms


1/2 cup Dried Shitake mushrooms
1 3×4 inch piece of Kombu
2 loose cups of Katsuobushi aka bonito flakes (optional)
6 cups water


1. Rinse the dried kombu off and soak them in a pot of water with the dried mushrooms. (The longer you soak them the more umami flavor is released. I usually soak them the night before in the refrigerator).

2. Turn the heat to medium and slowly bring the water to a bowl then remove the kombu and mushrooms. (Finish here for a vegan dashi)

3. Quickly add the Katsuobushi, turn off the water and let the flakes soak for 2-3 mins. Strain the flakes out with a fine colander.



Photos by Lauren Beshara


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